Problem B: Containment trees

In the computer science world, we often have to deal with containment
trees. For example, the Linux filesystem (ignoring symbolic links) can
be viewed as a containment tree. Its root would be /, and each directory
is transitively contained under the root. 

One way to represent a containment tree is in the following format: For
a directory called child, contained in a directory called parent, we
include one line that reads:

contain parent child

As a result, the filesystem containment tree might look like:

contain / usr
contain / home
contain usr lib
contain home john

There are of course many more facts like this.

For this problem, you will be given a set of lines like the above (the
first token will always be contain). Your program will have to decide if
these lines represent a containment tree, and what is the root of the
tree. You can assume that there are no directed cycles in the input.


The input will contain a number of lines like the above. There will
always be at least one line of input.


The output should consist of one or two lines. The first line should be
YES if the input was a containment tree and NO otherwise. If the first
line, was YES, then the second line must contain the name of the root. 
In the example above, the output should be:


Sample Input

contain root1 a
contain root2 b

Sample Output