Always Cluttering Movers ------------------------ The Always Cluttering Movers (ACM) have several identical trucks. Whenever they load up their trucks, they usually poorly distribute the identical boxes. Although they know how many boxes they want in each truck, they usually do not manage to accomplish that because of all their clutter. Here is where you come in. Given an initial distribution of the boxes over the trucks and a desired final distribution of the boxes over those trucks, you are asked to compute how many boxes need to be moved. Let's consider an example. Assume that three trucks are used for a particular job. Let the boxes are such that at most two boxes fit in each truck. Also assume that each truck contains one box initially. The desired distribution is: two boxes in the first truck, no boxes in the second truck (so that the driver can visit her mother for her birthday) and one box in the third truck. Moving the box from the second truck to the first truck will accomplish this. Input ----- The input consists of multiple test cases. Each test case starts three positives integers, the number of boxes in total B (1 <= B <= 30), the maximal number of boxes that fit in one truck M (1 <= M <= 4), and the number of trucks T (1 <= T <= 10). Each of next T lines contains the number of boxes in each truck. This represents the initial distribution. Next, another T lines are given, and this indicates the desired final distribution. You may assume that the input is always valid. The input is ended by three zeroes. Output ------ For each test case, the output consists of a single integer, namely the minimal number of boxes that need to be moved from one truck to another to morph the initial distribution into the final one. Sample input ------------ 3 2 3 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 Sample output ------------- 1