Sums ---- Using distinct single-digit numbers (other than 0), there are four ways to create a sum of 6: 1+2+3, 1+5, 2+4, as well as 6 itself. Your task is, given a positive integer n as input, to calculate the number of distinct ways to create a sum of n. Input ----- The input will be several non-negative integer values (each number on a separate line) that are guaranteed to be less that 1,000,000. The end of the input will be indicated by a value of 0, which should not be processed. Output ------ For each input number, output the number of distinct ways to create a sum equal to the input. If it is not possible to create such a sum, then your program should output IMPOSSIBLE. Sample Input ------------ 6 23 999 0 Sample Output ------------- 4 23 IMPOSSIBLE