Databases & State

Parke Godfrey
14 September 2011
19 September 2011


These slides borrow from the following sources.

What is state?

Computer Programs: Stateless or Stateful?


HTTP in itself is stateless.

Then again, what does it mean for a protocol to be called stateless or stateful?

The initial concept of WWW was for HTTP exchange to be stateless.

Why have HTTP be stateless?

“Web 1.0” (stateless)

“Web 2.0” (stateful)

Stateless / Stateful Trade-off: Session

Storing Information

The Web Ecosystem

Use the Web Server Process's State?

Use a Map Collection:

Map<String, Student> sis = new TreeMap<String, Student>(); 

Student s = new Student(“123456789”, …); 
sis.put(“123456789”, s); 

String id = input.nextLine(); 
if (sis.containsKey(id)) 

Server Process keeps track

Database Systems

Database Service
Data Independence


A transaction is a change to, and / or a retrieval from, a database.

Atomicity — All or Nothing

All the (primitive) actions of a transaction should occur and commit, or none should.

transfer(account X, account Y, amount M) {
    X.balance =- M;
    Y.balance =+ M;

What if X.balance < M?

Consistency (Data Integrity)

Integrity rules can be added to a database.


This means the database system must deny (rollback) any transaction that would result in inconsistent data in the database.


Durability (Permanence)

Once a transaction updating the database commits, that new data (the update) is

Database Server “Protocol”

How to “talk” to a database server to

Such a “protocol” is complex, almost like a programming language! It is called a “query” language.

SQL is a standardized query language for relational database systems.

Can only “talk” to the database via SQL!

The Relational Model

DBMS Architectures