
Computer Engineering

The York University Computer Engineering Program combines theoretical and practical aspects of Computer Science with hardware related aspects of Engineering into a comprehensive course of study. Computer Engineering students participate in a cooperative education program in which an industrial internship between 3rd and 4th year of up to 16 months duration is required as part of the program. In addition, all students are required to complete a Senior Project for their degree.

The Computer Engineering program has two streams; a Software Development stream which concentrates on the application of Engineering Design principles to the development of effective, efficient and correct computer software, and a Hardware Development stream which concentrates on the development of hardware structures to support computer-controlled processes. Students must choose between these two streams by the beginning of their third year.


Computer Engineering questsion should be directed to the Undergraduate Computer Science Office.

Location:   Computer Science Building (CSB), room 1003
Counter hours:   Monday-Friday, 10 am to 4 pm.
Telephone:   (416) 736-5334
Additional information can be found on the main Engineering web site.
York University