Computer Science
Technical Database

Course Web Pages

Document: course-web-pages

Last Modified: Mon Sep 3 17:58:39 EDT 2001


This document details information about the maintaining of course web pages as proposed by the Prism Committee. After a trial period, this proposal was accepted.

Creating a New Web Page

Let us assume that you wish to create a web page for the summer course "4532" in the 1998-99 academic session. To do this, you would perform the following steps:

Step 1 Change into the directory /cs/dept/www/course_archive/1998-99/S.

$ cd /cs/dept/www/course_archive/1998-99/S

Step 2 Create a 4352 directory.

$ mkdir 4352

Step 3 Check that the permissions are such that the web server can get into the newly created directory. A mode of 755 is a good standard mode to use for your web directory.

$ ls -ld 4352
drwx------   9 bob    faculty     512 Nov 19 13:12 4352/
$ chmod 755 4352
$ ls -ld 4352
drwxr-xr-x   9 bob    faculty     512 Nov 19 13:12 4352/

Step 4 Place a Welcome.html or index.html file in the new directory as the home page for the course.

Step 5 Make sure that the home page is readable by the web server. Mode 644 is a good standard mode for web files.

$ ls -al index.html
-rwx------   1 bob     faculty    1527 Nov 19 13:13 index.html
$ chmod 644 index.html
$ ls -al index.html
-rw-r--r--   1 bob     faculty    1527 Nov 19 13:13 index.html

You can now access the web page at the following web URL:

At the beginning of the term, /cs/dept/www/course will be made to point at the appropriate term directory for the appropriate academic year in /cs/dept/www/course_archive, just like the course directories. Because the purpose of course_archive is for archiving, you should never delete your course from course_archive, or move the files from one year or term into another year or term directory. If your course spans multiple terms, simply copy the course directory into its new location. The tech staff can help you if you have problems.


If you would like to restrict access to a portion of your web hierarchy, you can do this with a .htaccess file. The .htaccess file is placed in the directory in which you wish to restrict access. Here is a sample .htaccess file for restricting access to web pages to York addresses:
<Limit GET>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from

In this example, first all hosts are denied access, and then the "allow" line allows accesses from York machines only. If you allow "", this allows access to your web pages from only Computer Science machines. If you allow access to "", this allows access to your web pages from only the specific machine milo. The .htaccess file affects all the web pages created underneath the directory where the .htaccess file resides.


The Details

Now that you have seen an example of how the new course web page system works, here are all the fine details:

How Does It All Work

To make this new course system work, the tech staff must perform the following steps once per academic year:

If you have questions about the course web pages, please contact the technical staff.
