Disgital Signal Processing (DSP)

DSP related links.  Includes general information related to DSP.

DSP Guru (DSP Central) - Includes general DSP related information (tutorials, references etc.), software and plenty more information related to DSPs.  "Purpose is to promote resource-sharing among DSP designers.

dsp Guru / DSP Tutorials - tutorials are not for beginners, but focus on practical DSP implementation issues for those who already understand the basics of DSP:  Also includes DSP FAQ, and "How to".  In addition, links to other DSP sites are included.  Great tutorials!!

IEEE Signal Processing Home Page

Texas Instruments Worldwide DSP University Program.  "Purpose is to provide educators with assistance in all phases and with all matters concerning the integration of digital signal processing into course curricula and into research".

MathTools C++ Signal Processing Software related to Audio Processing.  Includes various links to software, information etc. related to signal processing.

By Bill Kapralos