Sonification of Range Information for 3-D Space Perception

E. Milios, B. Kapralos and S. Stergiopoulos
Department of Computer Science, York University,
North York, Canada M3J 1P3
{eem, billk}
Abstract: We present a device that allows 3-D Space Perception by sonification of range information obtained via a point laser range sensor. The laser range sensor is worn by the user, who scans space by pointing the laser bea m in different directions. The resulting stream of range measurements is then converted to an auditory signal whose frequency or amplitude varies with the range. Our device differs from existing navigation aids for the visually impaired. Such devices use sonar ranging whose primary purpose is to detect obstacles for navigation, a task to which sonar is well suited due to its wide beam width. In contrast, the purpose of our device is to allow users to perceive the details of 3D space that surrounds them, a task to which sonar is ill suited, due to artifacts generated by multiple reflections and to limited range. Preliminary trials demonstrate that the user is able to accurately detect corners and depth discontinuities with ease and to perceive the size of the surrounding space.


The visually impaired rely on non-visual senses, primarily hearing, to help them locate and identify objects within their immediate and distant environment. Although all of the senses are able to convey information pertaining to an ob ject (i.e. texture, temperature, and size), only the auditory system is capable of providing significant distance cues, which are coded primarily through intensity. The Sonic Pathfinder [2] and SonicGuide [3] are examples of the many Electronic Travel Aids (ETAs) which sonify range information allowing object detection/avoidance by the visually impaired user.

To determine the distance to an object, most ETAs emit an ultrasonic sound and measure the time it takes for the echo to return. Due to the wide panoramic field of view, small range and reflection artifacts inherent with sonar, the use of sonar based devices is limited to localising objects within an immediate and uncluttered environment [1]. They fail to provide sufficient resolution and artifact-free range data necessary for the perception of 3D space.  Unlike sonar, laser ranging allows for a greater range. Its narrower beam and shorter wavelength combine to detect finer detail necessary for shape and pattern perception. A laser ranging device has been used by to provide range measurements for an autonomous robot [4].

Rather than object detection, which sonar is better suited for, we decided to examine the sonification of infrared range measurements in order to detect shapes and patterns (e.g. detection of corners, stairs, and depth discontinuities) in the user's environment.

The ultimate goal of our work is to develop a device that will enable the perception of 3D space by the visually impaired user.


Figure 1 below illustrates the range data sonification process. The user will scan their environment and obtain range measurements with the laser range finder (LRF). Measurements are mapped to a particular feature in the audio domain (see below). As most people are familiar with the notes of the musical scale [2], one feature we experimented with is frequency in the form of MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) notes. Another feature experimented with is amplitude. Finally, t he MIDI note is output using one of the 128 instruments available with the Quick Time Music Architecture (QTMA) software synthesiser.

Two modes of operation have been defined. The proportional mode (range to audio feature mapping), provides the user with a general knowledge regarding both the close-by and distant surroundings through the detection of objects, doorways, depth discontinuities, etc. The derivative mode (temporal derivative of range to audio feature mapping), is used to obtain the greater detail necessary for shape and pattern detection.

The Mappings

We now elaborate on the various mappings used, summarised in table 1 below.

 Audio Domain
Range to Audio
Amplitude (A)
A = a/db
Unique short signal to indicate depth discontinuity.
A =a(delta(d))b
A =a/(delta(d))b




if d less than r: 

F = kc-(d - r) a 


F = F1 


distance = d 


if D d less than s: 

F =kc-(D d - s)a 


F = F1 


max. distance=s 

delta(d) =change in distance
No. Change: F1
Pos. Change: F2
Neg.Change: F3
Frequency piecewise constant.
Table 1: A summary of the range to audio mappings used.

Proportional Mode

While in the proportional mode, range measurements are mapped inversely to frequency using the logarithmic mapping. In addition to producing the most favourable results, it allowed for a perceived change in frequency throughout the ent ire distance range. Best results have been achieved when using the following constant values: k = 4000Hz, c = 2.718 ('e'), a = 0.15 and r = 0.3m. Optionally, the user may choose to alter the amplitude in conjunction with frequency using a modified version of the inverse square law (a = 125 and b = 0.3).

Depth discontinuity, or, a sudden change in depth, is defined as difference between the present and previous range measurement greater than a pre-defined value. Such information was conveyed to the user utilising one of the instruments of the QTMA including drum cymbals, saxophone and accordion ensuring it grabbed the user's attention.

Derivative Mode

While in the derivative mode, rather than using the range measurements themselves, the change between consecutive range measurements are mapped to the audio domain. Such a mapping provides greater information allowing for the detection of shapes/patterns and details of which are not necessarily noticeable in the proportional mode.

Two forms of this mapping were experimented with. With the absolute mapping, the absolute value of the change in range measurements was mapped to frequency (k = 4000Hz, c = 3.3, a = 1.9 and s = 1.2m) and/or amplitude. The n on-absolute mapping considered whether the change in range measurements is positive or negative. A positive change indicates the location being measured is farther away from the user relative to the last location (i.e. the current measurement is great er than the previous measurement). A negative change indicates that the location being measured is closer to the user (i.e. the current measurement is less than the previous measurement). Such information was conveyed using three different signals. As wit h the absolute mapping, a 200Hz (F1), low amplitude signal was output when there was no change between consecutive measurements. A 4000Hz (F2), signal was output when the change was negative, while a 2000Hz (F3), signal wa s output for a positive change. In addition, the amplitude of the two latter tones was varied inversely with the magnitude of the change in measurements.

Since there are no general guidelines for sonifying data [5], several different range-to-audio (or change in range to audio) mappings were experimented with. In the case of range to frequency, the output produced with a logarithmic ma pping was most effective as it stressed range measurements close-by, but allowed for a perceived change in frequency throughout the entire range. A modified version of the inverse square law was used to allow for a more uniform change throughout the entire range. Best results were achieved using a value of a = 140 and b = 0.3 with the proportional mode while a = 130 and b = 0.25 produced best results with the derivative mode.


Informal lab surveys suggest that the output produced using the QTMA is both "musical" and effective in conveying information. Several subjects given only basic instructions and no training were able to quickly locate doorways and other depth discontinuities while in the proportional mode. In the derivative mode, subjects were able to detect corners and flat level surfaces as well as depth discontinuities however, some training was required.


The work was supported by a research grant from the National Science and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC) and an NSERC summer research scholarship to B. Kapralos. We thank Prof. Patrick Dymond for suggesting the use of MIDI, Prof. Laurence Harris for suggesting the use of derivative mappings, and Robert Arrabito of DCIEM for his valuable comments and his encouragement. Greg Reid provided help with audio and signal processing facilities.


[1] Easton, D. Randolph.  (1992):  "Inherent Problems of Attempts to Apply Sonar and Vibrotactile Sensory Aid Technology to the Perceptual Needs of the Blind."  Optometry and Vision Science 69 (1), 3-14.

[2] Heyes, D. Anthony. (1984). "The Sonic Pathfinder:  A New Electronic Travel Aid."  Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 77, 200-202.

[3] Kay, Leslie. (1984). Acoustic Coupling to the Ears in Binaural Sensory Aids. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 77, 12-16.

[4] Nickerson S. B, P. Jasiobedzki, D. Wilkes, M. Jenkin, E. Milios, J. Tsotsos, A. Jepson, O.N.Bains: "An Autonomous Mobile Robot for known Industrial Environments.''  Robotics and Autonomous Systems, accepted, April 1998.

[5] Walker, N.  Bruce and Gregory Kramer.  "Mappings and Metaphors in Auditory Displays: An Experimental Assessment."  Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Auditory Display. November 4-6, 1996.&n bsp; Palo Alto California.