by Bill Kapralos (under the supervision of Professor E.  Milios)

Table Of Contents:

1   Introduction

2   Equipment
     2.1   Workstation
     2.2   Headphones and Speakers
     2.3   Optech Laser Range Finder (LRF)
          2.3.1   Operation of the LRF
        Turning the Unit on (Obtaining a Reading)
        LRF Messages
        Remote Terminal Connection
        Control Commands Via a Serial Connection
        Description of the Serial Port Data Transmitted
        LRF Specifications

3   Source Code
     3.1   lrf_functions.h
     3.2   lrf_functions.c
          3.2.1   intSerialPortInit(char *serialPortName)
          3.2.2.   int sendCommand(char *cmnd, int cmdLength)
          3.2.3.   int fdHasCharacters(int fileDes)
          3.2.4.   int getReading(unsigned char *buffer)
          3.2.5.   float processReading(unsigned char* reading)
          3.2.6    void lrfSetUp()
          3.2.7    double calcAvgDistance(double *readings, int numOfReadings)
          3.2.8    void error(char * errorMsg)
     3.3   lrf_audiov2.h
     3.4.   lrf_audiov2.c
          3.4.1.   int audioInit(char *audioDevice, char *audioCntrlDevice)
          3.4.2    int sendAudio(short *buffer, int numOfSamples)
          3.4.3    void tableInit(short *table[], int varyMagnitude)
          3.4.4    short *makeWave(double frequency, double magnitude)
          3.4.5    short *makeDepthSignal(in numOfSamples)
          3.4.6    short *createNoise(int numOfSamples, double excitation)
     3.5    lrf_main.c (Executable name:  lrf)
     3.6    lrfCont.c (Executable name:  lrfCont)
     3.7    lrf_piano.c (Executable name:  lrfPiano)
     3.8     Makefiles
     3.9    Additional Code Written
          3.9.1    playTone.c (Executable name:  tone frequency [magnitude])
          3.9.2    cosLookUp.c
          3.9.3    Time Taken to Execute Portions of Code
     3.10   Program Requirements

     4   Sound Output
          4.1    Sample Rate
          4.2    Audio Encoding and Sample Precision
          4.3    Distance to Frequency Mappings
               4.3.1    Linear Mapping
               4.3.2    Inverse Square Mapping
               4.3.3    Logarithmic Mapping
               4.3.4    Piano Keyboard Frequencies
     4.4    Distance to Mangnitude Mapping
          4.4.1    Inverse Square Law Mapping
     4.5    Generation of the Samples
          4.5.1    Output of a Continuous Tone
     4.6    Real-Time Sample Generation vs. Wave look-up Table
     4.7    Depth Discontinuity
          4.7.1    Summation of Sine Waves
          4.7.2    Triangular and Pulse Signals
         Probability:  The Triangular Distribution
         Triangular Formula
          4.7.3    Using and Average of the 'N' Previous Distances

     5    Internet Sites Visited
          5.1     Related Research (past and present)
               5.1.1    Obstacle Detectors
               5.1.2    Orientation and navigational Aids
               5.1.3    Environmental Aids
               5.1.4    Virtual Sound
          5.2    Commercial Products
          5.3    MIDI Sites
          5.4    Miscellaneous Sites
               5.4.1    Linksa to Related Sites
          5.5    Newsgroups

     6    Suggestions and Conclusions
          6.1    Ideas for Future Continuation of the Project
               6.1.1    Use of MIDI to Generate Sound
               6.1.2    Use of a Macintosh over the SUN Workstation
               6.1.3    Eliminating the Effects of the "Curves of Equal loudness"
               6.1.4    New 'Power' and 'Data Out' Connectors
          6.2    Conclusions
          6.3    Acknowledgements

     7    References
          7.1    Bibliography
          7.2    Source Code Refernces


The visually impaired rely on non-visual senses, primarily hearing, to help them locate and identify objects within their immediate and distant environment  Although all of the senses are able to convey information pertaining to an object (i.e. texture, temperature, size), only the auditory system is capable of providing significant distance cues (coded primarily through intensity).  Most objects do not emit sounds, however, they are capable of reflecting sound coming from other sound sources allowing the intensity of these reflecting sounds (echoes) to be used as distance cues.  Although these echoes may provide information about an object's distance, sound emitting sources may not always be present.
In an attempt to imitate these natural occurring distance cues,  several devices have been developed in which the distance of a person to an object is conveyed to the user through sound.  Most of these devices make use of sonar in which an ultrasonic sound is emitted from the device and the time taken for the echo to return is directly related to the distance of the reflecting object.
In the spring of '97  Professor Milios proposed that I investigate the conversion of distance of an object into audible sound as a summer research project.

Distance measurements could  be easily obtained using the Optech Laser Range Finder (a high accuracy infrared ranging device).   Therefore goal of my project was to obtain these distance readings and convert them into audible sound ultimately leading to a product which will aid the visually impaired with their travel and mobility.

The following pages describe the work I have completed during this four month summer period.



Either the SUN Ultra 1 or the SUN SparcStation 5 workstation was used. The software written for this project is compatible with both.  Each workstation contains two serial ports (A and B) and each serial port contains a 25 pin female RS-232-C compatible connector.  The serial ports can be accessed with the following names:

The workstations contain one audio port each and can be accessed with the name "dev/audio".


The sound may be output with the workstation's built-in-speaker or with headphones.  Panasonic XBS headphones were used and allowed for a greater quality of sound compared to the built-in-speaker especially with the frequencies above 4kHz.


Optech Laser Range Finger (LRF) model G-150 is used to obtain the distance readings.  "The Rangefinder contains an infrared laser source emitting infrared radiation invisible to the human eye (890 nanometeres) and should not be viewed directly with the eye or with optical devices when the laser is firing ." (Model G-150 owner's manual).


The LRF is powered by an external 12V battery source.  A fully charged battery will provide approximately 16 hours of operation and requires 18-24 hours to become fully re-charged. The LRF warns the user of a low battery by using a '*' instead of the decimal point when giving a reading.  For example, a distance of 2.43 will be given as 2*43.  I have found that about 2 hours of battery life remain upon receiving the initial '*'.  After this warning period, the LRF will no longer obtain readings and will issue an error message (ERROR 1b).  On several occasions, the 'battery low' warning failed to appear prior to the error code. TURNING THE UNIT ON (OBTAINING A READING)

Upon turning the unit ON, the LASER ON LED (see figure 2.1 below) will light and a brief self-test routine will be conducted.  If the self test reveals a problem with the unit then an error message appears on  the display.  The only error code encountered was 'ERROR 1b' which indicates that the battery requires charging.  If the self-test is passed, the LASER ON LED goes off and 'READY' appears on the display until measurements begin.  Measurements can be initiated in one of two ways:

1. Manually:
By pressing the  START button to obtain a single measurement (Single   update mode) or can be set to take continuous readings (Continuous update   mode) by installing the DATA IN adapter plug.  Plugging in the adapter plug   prior to turning the unit ON results in readings being taken immediately    following power ON without pressing the START button.
2.  Computer:
A computer generated "start" pulse signal (any positive going pulse) can be sent to the LRF by a remote computer to initiate a reading (Single update mode).  Continuous update mode can also be achieved by sending the appropriate command (see table 2.2 for a list of the available commands).

Figure 2.1
Model G-150 Laser Range Finder Control Panel.
Reprinted from the G-150 owner's manual. LRF MESSAGES


    READY        Indicates the unit has passed its self-test and can begin taking reading.

    *                    Replaces the decimal point in a range reading to indicate the battery  is low
                          (below9.5V).  Appears on the display as well as the remote

    <                   Appears to the left of the range reading indicating the over 12.5% of the shots were
                         invalid (drop-outs).  This is ignored in my present  program implementation.

    <<<<             Appears in place of a reading (both on the display and the remote terminal)
                         indicating an accurate reading could not be taken.

    ERROR        Appears on the display when there is a problem with the unit..


The LRF is capable of asynchronous serial data communications through the connection of the DATA OUT cable (containing a D9S female connector) to a remote computer.  The Sun workstation contains a 25 pin female connector, therefore, to connect the workstation to the LRF, a 25 pin male to 9 pin male connector is required.

Several of the solder connections on the D9S became loose and were re-soldered.  To avoid any wiring mix-up, table 2.1 below shows the correspondence between colour wire coming from the six pin circular connection and the pin number of the D9S connector

Table 2.1
DATA OUT to D9S Connector
Both the POWER and the DATA OUT connectors are 'snap-lock circular connectors'.   I experienced difficulties with both connectors.  For example, readings failed to be transferred to the computer even though they appeared on the LRF display and occasionally the power turns ON/OFF.  By taping the wiring of both connectors to the LRF, I was able to temporarily correct these problems.  I suspect the problems are due to loose wire connections on the circular connector, however I was unable to open the connectors to verify and correct the problems. CONTROL COMMANDS VIA A SERIAL CONNECTION

Upon turning the unit ON, the LRF is in its default mode (controlled by its front panel switches) even if a serial connection with a remote terminal exists.  To override the default mode the LRF must receive a control command.  There are six control commands available in addition to the programmable shots/reading command (see table 2.2).

The commands can be sent at any time and in any order however, all the commands must contain a Carriage Return (CR) as their last character.

In order to process each command, the LRF requires a certain time delay.  According to the Optech manual, this delay should be 200usec, however, I discovered the delay time required is about 1ms.
This does not affect the proper functioning of my program since commands are issued once only prior to obtaining any readings.

Table 2.2
LRF Command Codes
Each command must be followed by a Carriage Return ("\r").  A computer may send
both the command and the Carriage Return together enclosed in quotes. (e.g. "B\r"). DESCRIPTION OF THE SERIAL PORT DATA TRANSMITTED

All readings (including 'drop-outs') consist of nine ASCII characters. The first is an SP and the last two are CR and LF (SP, CR and LF are ASCII characters representing a space, line feed and carriage return respectively).  Depending on whether a reading is valid or a drop-out, the remaining characters in between are as follows:

Three characters representing the whole portion of the reading, a character representing an ASCII period
followed by two characters representing the decimal portion.  When the whole portion of the reading requires less than three digits, the character(s) not used are assigned SP.

four ASCII characters representing '(', followed by two SP characters.

NOTE:    With a terminal connection to the LRF, upon turning the LRF ON, the ASCII characters
                representing the string 'READY' are sent to the terminal. LRF SPECIFICATIONS

1. RANGE 2.  ACCURACY  3. MEASUREMENT TIME 4.  ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Further information regarding the Laser Range Finder can be found in the following available documents: For parts/service regarding the LRF, contact the following person:

Bob Karwal
Optech Systems
701 Petrolia Road
North York, Ontario
M3J 2N6

Tel: (416)661 - 5904
Fax: (416)661 - 4168


3.1 lrf_functions.h

Contains function prototypes and constant definitions used in lrf_functions.c.

3.2 lrf_functions.c

Various functions (see below), to allow communication with the range finder and to allow the processing of any data obtained from the LRF.

3.2.1 intSerialPortInit(char *serialPortName)

Open and initialise the serial port using the following settings:  (Since there are multiple serial ports available on the workstations, the device name is supplied by the caller of the function). All the above settings are contained in the 'termios' structure (as defined in <termios.h>).  The setting 'TIME TO WAIT FOR DATA' refers to the minimum amount of time the 'read' call will wait for data to appear at the serial port.  The setting value supplied will be multiplied by 10ms to determine the total wait time.  The setting 'MIN NUMBER OF BYTES TO APPEAR' refers to the minimum number of bytes the 'read' command must obtain before returning.
Both of the above parameters are set to 0 since readings from the LRF are obtained only when data appears at the port (see function fdHasCharacters() below).  .
Upon successful opening/initialisation, a 1 is returned otherwise 0 is returned signifying an error.

Further documentation regarding the serial port can be found in the manual pages under the following titles:

3.2.2 int sendCommand(char *cmnd, int cmdLength)

Send data (representing a command), to the LRF and delay the required time allowing the command to be processed.  The LRF will ignore any commands it does not understand.

3.2.3 int fdHasCharacters(int fileDes)

Returns the number of bytes available to be read from the serial port or -1 if an error is encountered.

3.2.4 int getReading(unsigned char *buffer)

Obtains a reading from the LRF (if available).  Prior to reading the port, it is determined how many bytes are available (using fdHasCharacters()).  A maximum of one reading (10 bytes) can be obtained per call.  Upon obtaining a reading, a 1 is returned otherwise 0 is returned.

3.2.5 float processReading(unsigned char* reading)

Converts the string of ASCII digits obtained from the LRF to a floating point value using the following algorithm:

3.2.6 void lrfSetUp()

Send any required operation commands to the LRF. The order the commands are sent in this function should not be altered.  Certain commands require other commands to be in operation.  For example, before setting the number of 'shots per reading' (LRF_TIMEOUT command), and turning the beep off (BEEPOFF command), the LRF must already be taking readings.
The LRF_TIMEOUT command can be sent any time after the LRF has been triggered to take readings.

3.2.7 double calcAvgDistance(double *readings, int numOfReadings)

Returns an average of all values contained in 'readings'.  0.0 is returned when 'readings' does not contain any values.  This function was used when experimenting using an average of the previous N distance readings to compare with the current reading to determine whether a depth discontinuity was encountered.  (As explained in section 4.5.3, comparing the present distance with an average of the previous N distances may result in a valid depth discontinuity not being conveyed).

3.2.8 void error(char * errorMsg)

Display the message 'errorMsg' to the standard error (stderr), close the audio and serial ports and exit the program.  This function is called when an error is encountered by the caller.

3.3 lrf_audiov2.h

Contains function prototypes and constant definitions used in lrf_audiov2.c.

3.4 lrf_audiov2.c

This file contains functions related to the audio port.  Routines to open, close, write to, and control the audio port as well as routines to generate several types of audio signals are included. 

3.4.1 Int audioInit(char *audioDevice, char *audioCntrlDevice)

Open and initialise the audio port with the following settings (all settings are kept in the audio_info structure 'audioInfo' defined in audioio.h).
Where the location of any constant definitions is not given, see audioio.h): = AUDIO_HEADPHONE

Only one process may open the audio port at a time (not a problem in my implementation), however two processes may access the audio device simultaneously if one opens it read-only and the other opens it write-only.  The device is opened for write-only in the present implementation as there is no reading (recording), applications in this program.

A 1 will be returned upon successful opening and setting of the audio port and 0 if any errors are encountered.

I have made limited use of the audio device.  Many more settings and uses are possible.  For further information regarding the audio device, see the manual pages under the following:

3.4.2 int sendAudio(short *buffer, int numOfSamples)

Sends 'numOfSamples' bytes to the audio port beginning at address  'buffer'.  Audio port must be initialized and the number of bytes actually written to the port must be the same as the number sent to
avoid an error.
Data sent to the audio port is not output immediately but rather kept in a buffer and output only when the buffer is full.  In order to output the data sent to the audio port immediately, the buffer is flushed.

3.4.3 voidTableInit(short *table[], int varyMagnitude)

The samples required for each cosine wave are calculated and stored in a table (allowing for future look up and use), prior to sending the START command to initiate readings by the LRF.   The table contains samples of cosine waves corresponding to distances between  MIN_DISTANCE and MAX_DISTANCE (incremented by 0.10 since this is also the accuracy of the LRF in the temperature range of -20 to 50 degrees Celsius).

3.4.4 short *makeWave(double frequency, double magnitude)

Create and return a buffer of samples representing a cosine wave of the specified frequency and magnitude.

3.4.5 short *makeDepthSignal(in numOfSamples)

Create and return a buffer of samples representing a short pulse in the corresponding PCM values.

3.4.6 short * createNoise(int numOfSamples, double excitation)

Create and return a buffer of samples representing noise of a magnitude given by 'excitation'.  Noise is created by generating random integer values (in the range of -32768 to 32767), for each of the samples.

3.5 lrf_main.c (Executable name:  lrf)

Establishes serial communications with the Laser Range Finder (LRF).  Continuously obtains readings from the LRF, looks up and sends the appropriate samples representing a cosine wave to the audio port.
The samples for each cosine wave are stored in a table.  When a reading is obtained, it is mapped to the corresponding samples in the table and output. There is a slight delay (~8 sec.) between the time of program execution and the time the first reading is obtained, to allow for the initialisation of the table.
A reading containing more than 12.5% 'drop-outs' (as indicated by a ')'), is treated as a valid reading.    When an "out-of-range reading is encountered (as indicated by '))))'), the tone corresponding to the last valid reading is output.
The presence of a Depth Discontinuity (a change in distance greater than a pre-defined amount between the current and last valid reading), causes the output of a non-tone signal (pulse).

Prior to program execution, the LRF must be turned ON and in the "READY" mode.  Should the LRF be turned OFF, the program must be stopped and re-executed.  "CNTRL-C" to stop program execution.

3.6 lrfCont.c (Executable name:  lrfCont)

Same as lrf_main1.c (see above), however a continuous tone is output in this version.  When there are no readings available from the LRF the tone corresponding to the last valid reading is output.

3.7 lrf_piano.c (Executable name:  lrfPiano)

Distance readings are mapped linearly to the frequencies of a piano keyboard stored in a table.  Upon obtaining the frequency, the samples are created in real-time (they are not looked up in a cosine wave table), and output.

3.8 Makefiles

Each of the three versions contains its own makefile (as shown below): In addition to the 'main' program file, the following files are also required for each of three makefiles and the functions lrf_functions.h and lrf_audiov2.h require the following header files as well:

<unistd.h>            <ctype.h>            <errno.h>            <sys/termios.h>
<fcntl.h>              <time.h>              <sys/filio.h>          <stropts.h>
<stdio.h>             <sys/audioio.h>    <sys/file.h>          <sys/ioctl.h>
<termios.h>         <math.h>             <stdlib.h>
"audio_device.h"  "audio_hdr.h"


3.9.1 playTone.c (Executable name:  tone frequency [magnitude])

This program outputs a tone corresponding to a specific frequency and magnitude as entered by the user through command line arguments.  A value for the magnitude is optional and if not entered, the tone is not scaled (e.g. magnitude = 1).
This program was used to allow easy output of tones and could also be used during experimentation to introduce subjects to the output they will encounter..

The makefile for this program is makefileTone.

3.9.2 cosLookUp.c

Code to initialise and use the cosine-look-up table described in section 4.4.  As mentioned, using the table increases the amount of time required to determine the cosine of a specified radian value however, perhaps it could be improved for future use.


To ensure all readings taken by the LRF are actually processed before the arrival of the next reading,  the time required to process the reading (look-up and output samples etc.), must be determined.  Since the function "getReading()", obtains only one reading at a time, a build up of readings results when readings arrive faster than they can be processed.  This build up of readings will be processed on a "first come first serve" basis and may result in the incorrect tone output for a particular distance.

The UNIX function 'gettimeofday()' returns the current time expressed in  elapsed  seconds  and microseconds since 00:00 Universal Co-ordinated Time, January 1, 1970 (manual pages - gettimeofday).  To determine the time required to execute a segment of code, the time of day is obtained just before the code segment is entered and subtracted from the time of day obtained just after the execution of the code segment as shown below:

#include <time.h>

struct timeval t1, t2;
int *temp = NULL;

gettimeofday (&t1, temp);


gettimeofday (&t2, temp);

printf ("Execution time:  %5.3f s\n",
   (float) (t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec) + ( (float) (t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec) / 1000000.0 ) );

As shown above, the function gettimeofday() requires two parameters, the first being a timeval structure (defined in time.h), and the second a pointer (of any type), to NULL.  Execution time will be displayed in seconds.

The above code proved to be very useful to determine the time required to obtain a reading, process and output the samples corresponding to it.  For example, in the FAST setting (150 shots/reading), the LRF will take a measurement every 0.125s.  The time required to process a reading was determined to be 0.091s (using the wave-table), ensuring proper timing.



A distance reading obtained from the LRF  is mapped to the corresponding set of samples (representing a cosine wave of a specific frequency) and output. There were several different distance-to-frequency mappings  experimented with.  Each mapping frequency varies inversely with distance (allowing the frequency to increase as the distance decreases), since the higher frequencies can better 'grab' the attention of the user signaling an object close-by.

The maximum frequency used in all the mappings is 6000Hz.  Frequencies above this level, using the present equipment, results in poor sound quality.  Moreover, human perception of higher frequencies  steadily deteriorates after age 30  (?????) and it has been estimated that 65% of visually impaired and partially sighted people are over 70 years of age (Lacey, 1997).

In addition to varying the frequency with distance, the user may choose to alter the magnitude of the wave inversely with distance, giving an additional cue to object location.


A   sampling rate of 22050Hz was used.  Using a higher sampling rate (including the CD quality  rate of 44100Hz), does not improve the sound quality.  However, decreasing the sampling rate does decrease the quality of the higher frequencies (those above 4200Hz).
According to the Nyquist Theorem, the sampling rate must be twice the highest frequency output (Hioki 1990). Therefore, the sampling rate was limited to at least 12000Hz.

Another consideration to limiting the sampling frequency is memory space.  Higher sampling rates require a greater number of samples.  However, insufficient memory space has not been a problem, whether generating samples in real-time (in which 4000 samples at 2 bytes each is used at any time - see section 4.6), or using a sample look-up table (where 145 waves of 4000 samples at 2 bytes each are stored in the table - see section 4.6).


Initially, u-law audio encoding was used (u-law, is the standard for voice data used by telephone companies in the United States, Canada and Japan where 12-bit sample precision is compressed to 8-bits), but was found to be  limited in scaling the samples (e.g. multiplying all samples representing a particular wave by a constant to either increase or decrease the magnitude), between approximately 0.5 and 2.0. When using a constant below 0.5, rather than increasing, the magnitude of the tone decreased. u-law also requires a sample precision of 8-bits, further limiting the accuracy of the samples to between  -128 and 127.

The cause of the above scaling problem has yet to be determined, however, it was eliminated by switching over to Linear Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) encoding.

PCM is an uncompressed audio format in which sample values are directly proportional to audio signal voltages.  According to the Sun Microcomputer Systems manual, each sample is a 2's complement number that represents a positive or negative amplitude (Sun Microcomputer Systems manual pages - 'audio').  Sample size was increased to 16-bit (either 8 or 16-bit is allowed with PCM), allowing for a closer approximation of the signal. In contrast to  the u-law encoding, multiplying the samples by a value less than 0.5 caused a decrease in the magnitude  (multiplying the samples by 0.01 or less caused the tone to be non-audible).  In addition, multiplying the samples by a constant greater than 1 and up to approximately 20, caused an increase in magnitude.  An increase in magnitude was imperceptible using values above 20 (e.g. 20 gave the same effect as 100).



Initially, distance was mapped linearly to frequency by using a fixed increase in frequency for every specified increase in distance (0.1m).  The following algorithm was used to determine the output frequency for a given distance reading: The distance increment 0.1m was chosen arbitrarily.  Other values were also tested including using the resolution of the LRF (0.01m).  However, this produced an increase of 4.38Hz/0.01m which lies within the 'just noticeable difference' range of 2-5Hz for frequencies between 1000 - 4000Hz.  This is the range required by humans to perceive a change in frequency between pure tones (Hollander 1994).   The graph on the left illustrates the range of frequencies produced by this mapping.


The decrease of power in sound waves follows the inverse square law (1/distance2).  With several minor changes, this same law was used to map distance to frequency: The constant 'c' (0.5), was used to allow the shifting of the curve to the right, thereby avoiding any non-audible frequencies (below 20Hz) which would result with the larger distances.  For example, a distance of 12m would be mapped to 9.25Hz without shifting the curve).  Allowing the arbitrary constant c to equal 0.5, the maximum distance is mapped  to 672.60Hz (1333.33 * (1/152 +0.5) = 672.60Hz).

Using the inverse square law was a marked improvement over linear mapping, however, as shown in table 4.1 of the following page, frequencies changed drastically for a very small distance range (distances close to the user), and changed only slightly for the greater distance readings.

Inverse square mapping of distance to frequency

As shown in table 4.1 above, the frequency range corresponding to the distances between 10.00m and 15.00m is insignificant (just above the jnd for frequency perception).  There is no perceived frequency change with a change in distance above 10.00m and even for distances between 3.00m and 10.00m, the change in frequency is only 134.81Hz.

Although this mapping was very pleasant to listen to (when distances were small and a change in frequency could be perceived), it was not used, largely due to the minimal change in frequency for the farther distances.  Perhaps in the future, this mapping could be used for very close distances, while another mapping could be used for farther distances.


The following mapping is used to allow for a perceived change in frequency throughout the entire distance range, and to allow frequency to change on a logarithmic scale:

FREQUENCY = 6000Hz * e-(DISTANCE - 0.50m) * 0.15

Subtracting the minimum distance from each distance reading to obtain the exponent enables the maximum frequency to be used as the frequency constant. The exponent is then multiplied by a constant ('a'), to increase the overall frequency for each reading.  For example, without this constant, a distance reading of 10.00m would result in a non-audible frequency of 0.45Hz, whereas using the constant a = 0.15 results in a frequency of 1443.05Hz.  Both constants 'c' and 'a' were arbitrarily chosen.  Various other values of  'c' and 'a' were tested (see figure 4.1 and 4.2 for curves).  Using smaller values for 'c' results in a smaller frequency range (see table 4.3).

Figure 4.1
Effects of altering the constant 'c' in the formula: frequency = k * c-(DISTANCE - MIN_DISTANCE) * a
 a) frequency = 6000 * 1.2-(DISTANCE - 0.5) * 0.15  b) frequency = 6000 * 1.5-(DISTANCE - 0.5) * 0.15
 c) frequency = 6000 * 2.0-(DISTANCE - 0.5) * 0.15 d) frequency = 6000 * 2.5-(DISTANCE - 0.5) * 0.15
e) frequency = 6000 * e-(DISTANCE - 0.5) * 0.15 f)  frequency = 6000 * 3.0-(DISTANCE - 0.5) * 0.15

Figure 4.2
Effects of altering the constant 'a' in the formula: frequency = k * c-(DISTANCE - MIN_DISTANCE) * a
 a) frequency = 6000 * e-(DISTANCE - 0.5) * 0.05  b) frequency = 6000 * e-(DISTANCE - 0.5) * 0.2
 c) frequency = 6000 * e-(DISTANCE - 0.5) * 0.3 d) frequency = 6000 * e-(DISTANCE - 0.5) * 0.5
Table 4.2
Change in the frequency range due to increase of the constant 'c'.
In each case, the maximum frequency remains 6000Hz

As table 4.3 shows below, using a logarithmic mapping allows a perceived change in frequency throughout the entire distance range, however, the changes in frequency were not as drastic as when using the inverse square mapping for very small distances.
Table 4.3
Logarithmic mapping of distance to frequency
The logarithmic mapping described above is favoured.  In addition to finding the output tones pleasing, an informal lab survey of three colleagues found all three preferred the logarithmic mapping over the inverse square and linear mapping.  This version can be found in lrf_main.c along with its makefile ('makefile').


The Sonic PathfinderTM is an ultrasonic travel aid for the visually impaired, with a maximum range of 8ft divided into eight one-foot sections.  The output consists of the eight notes of the major musical scale (Heyes 1984).   Since most people are familiar with the notes of the musical scale (Heyes, 1980), a practical application of mapping the distance readings to the 88 keys (52 white keys and 36 black keys) of the piano keyboard was considered.

As shown below, The frequencies of the piano keyboard range from 27.50Hz to 4186Hz. This follows the scale of equal temperament in which every octave (a 2:1 change in frequency), is divided into 12 equal intervals allowing for the frequency of adjacent notes to differ by a factor of 1.05946 (twelfth root of two.

Figure 4.3
Frequencies of the keys on a piano keyboard
Reprinted from "Computer Music" (Jerse, 1985)

In order to use this mapping, the frequencies corresponding to the piano keyboard are stored in a table and mapped linearly to distance.  Upon obtaining a distance reading, the corresponding frequency was looked-up, the samples were generated and output, (samples were created in real-time). To determine the appropriate frequency for a distance reading, the following algorithm is used:

Figure 4.4 below shows the relationship between distance and frequency produced by this mapping.
Figure 4.4
Graph of Distance vs. Piano Keyboard Frequencies

The output produced by this mapping sounded both very pleasant and realistic.

This was the second mapping used (the first being linear as describe in section 4.3.1), and appears promising and is kept separately ('lrf_piano.c'),along with its own makefile ('makefilePiano'),  allowing for future use and/or modification.


In addition to altering the frequency with distance,  altering the magnitude of the wave inversely with distance was attempted, allowing the tones corresponding to short distances to sound louder.  A magnitude mapping was included as an option (the mapping is chosen when the constant definition VARY_MAGNITUDE in lrf_audiov2.h is defined as any non-zero value).  As with the frequency to distance mapping, several different mappings were tried.

Prior to moving to a PCM encoding, u-law encoding with an 8-bit sample size was used.  This restricted sample sizes to a range of -128 to 127.  Along with the problems encountered with scaling the samples by a value below 0.5 (see section 4.2), altering the magnitude with distance had a minimal effect on the output tone.  As discussed in section 4.2, the magnitude could be altered from 0.5 to approximately 2 which is a very small range.

Switching over to PCM allowed a far greater range.  In addition to eliminating the problem of multiplying samples by less than 0.5 (see section 4.2), the increase in sample size from 8 to 16 meant samples could range from -32168 to 3276.  Altering the magnitude of a wave is now far more effective.

Using PCM also creates a new problem.  Pure tones output appear to follow the Robinson-Datson "Curve of equal loudness for tones of different frequencies" (as shown in figure 4.5 below), even when the magnitude of the wave is not altered. 

Figure 4.5
Robinson-Dadson Curves of Equal Loudness Contours

The Robinson-Dadson curve represents the amplitude levels at which single sine tones of different frequencies sound equally loud.  For example, in order for a 100Hz tone and a 1000Hz tone to sound equally loud, the amplitude of the lower tone must be boosted by almost 40dB (Moore, 1995).  Although the goal was to alter magnitude inversely with distance, as shown in figure 4.5, the magnitude of a 3500Hz tone exceeds that of the 6000Hz tone (which represents the closest distance and should also contain the greatest magnitude), and is definitely perceived so.  This problem can be overcome if the maximum frequency is limited to about 4000Hz.  Frequencies increasing from 20Hz up to 4000Hz are perceived as louder.


As in the case of the frequency mapping, this mapping was used to imitate the reduction in power followed by a sound wave.  In this case, however, it is the magnitude of the wave which is altered as opposed to frequency.  The following formula was used:

MAGNITUDE = k * (1 / distance2)
k = arbitrary constant

Using this mapping it was found that  the larger distances are greatly reduced to the point where they are not audible (when k is less than about 20).  For example, when k = 5, the magnitude corresponding to 10.00m is 0.05 causing the tone to be barely audible (when k = 0.01, it results in a non-audible tone regardless the frequency).  To overcome this problem, the value of k can be increased, however, this will also increase the magnitude of the tones corresponding to the smaller distances to a point where they are too loud.  Extremely loud tones may interfere with the (possibly important), environmental sounds the user hears (e.g. passing cars, people etc.).

To decrease the allowable range of magnitudes, several different exponent values (using the equation above with k=5), were tried as shown in table 4.4 and figure 4.6:

Table 4.4
Different exponent values used in the distance to magnitude mapping:  magnitude = k * (1 / distance2)
Max and min magnitude refer to farthest and closest distance respectively.
Figure 4.6
Curves produced by altering the exponent in the formula:  magnitude = k * (1 / distanceb)
 a)  MAGNITUDE = 5 * (1 / distance0.5)  b)  MAGNITUDE = 5 * (1 / distance0.7)
 c)  MAGNITUDE = 5 * (1 / distance1.0)  d)  MAGNITUDE = 5 * (1 / distance1.2)
 e)  MAGNITUDE = 5 * (1 / distance1.5)  f)   MAGNITUDE = 5 * (1 / distance2.0)

An exponent of 0.7 giving a magnitude range of 0.751 to 8.122 was used (see Table 4.4 above).


Regardless of the distance-to-frequency mapping used, the samples representing the determined frequency cosine wave must be generated.  The following formula is used to generate the samples:

c * ( cos(2 * (f / fs) * n) = sample[n]
c = constant - magnitude scalar of the wave
f  = frequency of the cosine wave (in Hz)
fs = sampling rate (in Hz)
n = begins at 0 and is incremented until the final sample is reached

All values generated by the above cosine formula will range between 0 and 1 (this may not be the case when the constant 'c'is greater than 1). Since the audio port requires integer values, these samples are then converted to the appropriate integer values. The functions provided in the file 'audio_hdr.h' will
convert the above samples to 8, 16 or 32 bit values.

For each sample the cosine function (cos) is required.  In terms of processor time, the cosine function (available in math.h of the standard C library), is very expensive, especially when it must be called several thousand times to create the samples of a single cosine wave.  In an attempt to minimise the time required by the cosine function, a cosine look-up-table was created.  Prior to initiating distance readings, the cosine values for 100 radian values (increasing by 0.01from 0 to 1.0), were determined and stored allowing them to be 'looked-up' instead of using the cosine function.  When the cosine of a number is required, the table is searched for the corresponding cosine value.  If found, it is returned, otherwise, the average of the value below and above are returned.

Quite surprisingly, it actually took longer to use the cosine look-up-table, as opposed to using the cosine function (see table 4.5).  The cosine function may have its own look-up-table which is more efficient than the within implementation.

Table 4.5
Time required to determine the cosine of a radian values using the cosine
function compared to using the look-up-table.

The cosine look-up-table was used prior to using a wave-table (see section 4.6), when the samples representing a cosine wave were created upon receiving a distance reading.  Using the wave table, the samples are created once for the duration of the program prior to initiating the distance readings. Therefore, even if the cosine-look-up table could be improved to perform faster than the provided cosine function, the time saved would be insignificant.  Hence, the cosine table is no longer used.


Irrespective of the distance to frequency mapping used, there is still a definite amount of time required to obtain a reading. This creates a break in the output of sound from the time the current tone is heard, to the time the next tone is heard.  In order to allow the perception of a continuous tone,  when a reading is not available from the LRF, the previous tone is outputted continuously until the next distance reading becomes available.  However, this does not eliminate or decrease the break between the output of successive tones.

The LRF was set to take 8 readings/second (0.125s/reading).  The time required for the program to obtain a reading, determine the frequency and generate and output the samples corresponding to this frequency is 0.118s.  To allow for a continuous tone the above process must be accelerated.  This prompted creation of  a wave-look-up table (see section 4.6 for a complete explanation), allowing the samples representing a pre-defined number of frequencies to be stored in a table and used when needed.  With the wave-look-up table in place, the time between the output of  successive tones is greatly reduced allowing the perception of a continuous tone.  Upon obtaining a distance reading from the LRF, the samples corresponding to it are looked up and continuously output until the next reading is available from the LRF.

Although a definite change in the pitch of the continuous tone can be perceived with changing distance, the output of the this tone can become annoying to the listener after several minutes.  In addition, during the output of frequencies in the range of 3000Hz - 3500Hz, a 'clicking' sound could be heard in addition to the tone, coming from the background.  This click could be caused from non-matching phase relations of the output tones.  In an attempt to eliminate this problem, outputting one period only for each wave ensuring correct phase relations was tried. However,  there was no sound at all to be heard when this single period was output.  (It was later found outputting a single period of a tone prevents the tone from being heard).

Outputting a continuous tone was decided against.  In addition to the 'click' problem described above, after several minutes, the sound was bothersome to the listener.

This version was also kept separately (lrf_main2.c), along with its makefile (makefile2).


The samples corresponding to each cosine wave can be generated immediately upon receiving a distance reading from the LRF (real-time), or the samples can be calculated and stored in a wave look-up-table (a pre-defined number of frequencies will be created), prior to initiating readings from the LRF. In this case, when a reading is obtained, the samples corresponding to it are 'looked-up' and output.

Using real-time generation allows the mapping of each distance to a unique frequency cosine wave, whereas when using the table of samples, certain distances will respond to the same frequency output.  However, the difference between the frequencies decreases as the distances increase, (using the present logarithmic mapping), and since humans require a minimum change of frequency between two pure tones (about 2-5 Hz), to perceive them as different (Hollander, 1994), the real time generation is not essential.

Real-time generation is approximated using the look-up-table by increasing the number of frequencies stored in the table.  However, increasing the number of frequencies stored causes an increase in both  the memory space required,  as well as the time to initialise the table.   A look-up-table containing samples for 145 cosine waves was used.  This table contains waves for distances ranging from MIN_DISTANCE (0.5m) increasing by 0.10m until MAX_DISTANCE (15m).  The increment of 0.10m represents the accuracy of the LRF (see section

With the present size table, it takes approximately 8 seconds to initialise. Nevertheless,  time is saved  using the look-up-table. In particular,  it takes approximately 0.091 seconds to obtain a reading, determine and output the corresponding samples whereas using real-time sample generation takes approximately 0.118 seconds (see section 3.9.3 for the time determination).  This decrease in operation time allows for an increase in the number of readings taken per second (shots/reading was changed from 150 to 120 as a result).


There are many situations where the difference between the present distance reading and the previous distance reading is large (larger than a pre-defined value 'DEPTH_DISCONTINUITY' as defined in lrf_audiov2.h).  This is defined as a depth discontinuity, or,  a sudden change in depth.  It is important to convey such information to the user.  For example, this could be used to locate a doorway with the door open since the distance to the object beyond the doorway (a wall etc.) will generally constitute a depth discontinuity.

Distance changes greater than  1.50m will result in a depth discontinuity.  It was found that using a value greater than this will prevent several instances where there is a depth discontinuity from being conveyed to the user. For example, by measuring the distance between several doorways and the wall beyond, there were  several instances where the depth discontinuity is quite small (e.g. less than 2.0m), as shown in table 4.6 below:

door in my room (in my house), to hallway wall
VGR lab to hallway lab
door in my sister's room to hallway
door in my brother's kitchen to hallway wall
Table 4.6
Distance difference between a doorway and the wall beyond.

To convey a depth discontinuity to the user, a signal different from any of the pure tones used for regular output was used, ensuring that a depth discontinuity corresponded to a unique signal.  Initially, a pure tone of  a frequency not used in the regular distance to frequency mapping was applied.  Experimentation with various low frequency tones (100Hz, 200Hz, 300Hz etc.) was conducted since for all frequency mappings used, the minimum frequency used was about 600Hz.  Although the low frequencies (below 300Hz), sounded differently,  they did not seem to grab the user's attention, as they were still pure tones. Moreover, unless someone is really familiar to the tones output, it could easily be confused with a tone corresponding to a large distance.  (This was the case with one person who used the unit for several minutes with no prior use and only a brief description of its use).  Several other signals were created as described below:


As proven by Jean Baptiste Fourier, every periodic waveform is comprised of a unique set of sinusoids whose frequencies are harmonically related.  Thus any waveform can also be described in terms of the sinusoidal components that it contains (Jerse 1985).

To achieve this summation effect with sampled waveforms, the following formula is used for each sample:

sumWave[n] = k1 * cos(2 * PI * (f1 /fs) * n)  +  k2 *cos(2 * PI * (f2 / fs) * n)   +  ki cos(2* PI * (f3 / fs) * n)

Using the above formula, several combinations of cosine waves were summed with the resulting wave used as a depth discontinuity signal.  Initially, summing non-harmonic waves was yielding a sound not much different from the pure tones used.

The next method used was approximating a square wave (whose spectrum contains an infinite number of odd harmonics of the fundamental whose amplitudes decrease in proportion to the increasing harmonic number).  Although an infinite  number of samples could not be used, using about seven allows a square wave to be approximated.  The following formula was used:

sumWave[n] = k1 * cos(2 * PI * (f1 / fs) * n)  +  k1 / 3 *cos(2 * PI * (3f1 / fs) * n)  + ? +  ki/ 7 *cos(2 * PI * (7f1 / fs) * n)
          k1 = 5
          f1  = 200Hz

Using a square wave did not produce a change over the previous signal containing non-related harmonics.


Although using a summation of tones is an improvement over using a single tone to convey a depth discontinuity, it still does not have the effect of 'grabbing' the listener's attention.  Producing  a short pulse or single triangular signal in an attempt to create a sudden 'bang' was attempted.
To create the samples representing the pulse, values representing PCM encoding (-32768 to 32767), were assigned directly to the samples in the following manner: Regardless of the values used, as long as there was a substantial increase in the samples following the first) the pulse sounded the same.  For example,  assigning the same value between -32768 and 0 to the first and last  sample and 32768 to the samples in between produced the same effect.

To create a single triangular signal, several different methods were used, as described  below: PROBABILITY:  THE TRIANGULAR DISTRIBUTION:

The book Computer Music by Doage Jerse contains various  algorithms for generating several random and probability processes. It  includes the triangular distribution which can generated by assigning to each sample the average of two randomly generated values.  The random number generator available in the C-library generates values between -32768 and 32767, the same range required by the samples.
This method was used with several different amounts of samples (60, 100, 200, 500, 1000), however, in all cases, the only output produced was noise.  Upon examining the samples, they did not appear to have a triangular distribution but rather were scattered (e.g. the samples did not begin to increase until a maximum point was reached, then decrease back to the starting point). TRIANGULAR FORMULA:

The following formula was used to generate the samples representing the first half of the triangular wave:
sample[i] = c * n * t

c = constant
t = Sample rate period * number of samples  (duration of the signal)
n = ranges from 0 increasing by 1, to 15 the total number of samples

To create the second half of the wave, n was then decreased until it became zero.
The following algorithm was used to implement the above function:

Several different peak values were used and,  in each case, examining the samples confirmed the triangular pattern.  There was an increase in sample values beginning with the first sample until half way through, where the maximum value was encountered.  The remaining samples then decreased until they reached the minimum value once more.  Irrespective of the peak value used, a change in the output signal was imperceptible.

While experimenting with the triangular and pulse signals, using the u-law encoding, I found
that sending less than nine samples to the audio port resulted in a 'click' being output regardless of the value of the samples.  Sending over nine samples resulted in no sound heard.  I could not understand this effect as the duration of nine samples is far less than the minimum duration required to perceive a sound.
When sending data to any port using the write system call, the number of bytes to write must also be specified.  It took several hours to realise I was sending nine bytes and specifying 4000 bytes were being sent!
The pulse and triangular signals were clearly distinguishable from any of the pure tones or pure tone summations used previously. Yet, they both sounded the same, having very short durations and weak signals, making them barely audible.  In order to overcome this problem, the signal was output continuously for a set number of times.  By outputting the pulse, triangular signals or pure tones in loop a certain number of times, gives the effect of a continuous signal, with no breaks in between. As table 4.8 below shows, both signals took about the same amount of time to produce and output.

 Table 4.8
Time to generate and output the triangular and pulse signals

For both triangular and pulse signals, generating and outputting less than about 20 samples, results in a non-audible signal. Furthermore, as the number of samples are increased beyond 200, the signal begins to sound like noise.   Since both signals sound the same, currently the pulse signal is used to convey a depth discontinuity since it is easier to implement.


Comparing the current reading to the previous reading to determine whether a depth discontinuity has been encountered, apparently is effective.  However, in an attempt to limit the possibility of errors due to LRF reading resolution etc. the current distance reading was compared to the average of the previous N readings (values for N tried were 5, 10, 15).  To achieve this, the following algorithm was used:  Although the number of previous readings was pre-defined, a check is required to determine how many previous distances exist in order to calculate the average, given that  the program initially begins with 0 previous distances (when the first distance reading is obtained).

Instead of limiting the possibility of errors, it was found that  an average actually created errors in several circumstances, when a depth discontinuity, although existing,  was not detected.  For example, consider N = 5 and the following five previous distances:

0.80, 0.75, 0.95, 0.92, 0.5

with the current distance reading of 2.10m.  The average of the above five readings is 0.784.  Using the current distance difference required for a depth discontinuity (1.5m), there is clearly a depth discontinuity between the last of the readings (0.50m) and the current reading (2.1m). However, using the average of the above five readings (0.78m), does not result in a depth discontinuity
(2.10m - 0.78m = 1.32m).
Regardless of the value used to compare depth discontinuities, examples of the foregoing  can be easily found.  As a result, averaging the previous N readings was not used.  The function calcAverage() (see 'lrf_audiov2.c'), was used to calculate the previous readings.  Although it is presently not used, it is included in the event of future applications.



Below are sites related to research conducted (both past and present), related to Mobility Aids, Electronic Travel Aids, Auditory Displays, Auditory Scene Analyses etc.  Any products mentioned are not available commercially (yet).


History of the Blind Mobility research Unit from 1965-1995 at Nottingham University.  Describes the development of Electronic Travel Aids, mobility for the blind in general and the involvement of the above research unit in the field.


ELECTRONIC TRAVEL AIDS: NEW DIRECTIONS FOR RESEARCH.  A 124 page publication from the Working Group on Mobility Aids for the Visually Impaired and Blind. Committee on Vision.  National Research Council.  The following topics are covered:


 "Rank Prize Fund Meeting:  Technology to Assist the blind and Visually Impaired".  A conference held in the UK March 25-28  1996 of the There are no complete papers available however, abstracts describing several topics including navigation and mobility for the blind, are available.


Warn only of the presence and possibly a distance to the object in the user?s path.




Convey information to the user regarding the geographical area (orientation) and help the user find their way from location A to location B (navigation).



1. MoPS (Mobile Pre-Journey System): 2. MoODS (Mobile Outdoor System): 2.



University of Hertfordshire Sensory Disabilities Research unit.  Includes information regarding the following projects:


Home page of Gerrad Lacey, a Computer Science graduate student at Trinity College Dublin, Dublin Ireland.  His research interests include "The application of mobile robot technology to the mobility of the frail visually impaired".  Several of his publications are available online including "Personal Adaptive Mobility Aid (Pam-AID) for the Infirm and Elderly Blind", "Autonomous Guide for the Blind' and "Evaluation of Robot Mobility Aid for the Elderly Blind".

5.   HTTP://

GUIDECANE (Guidance Device for the Blind)

Part of the above description was reprinted from IEEE Spectrum October 1997.

6.  HTTP://

STRIDER - A Talking Portable Navigation System: (by Arkenstone)


Detect object(s) but also provide characteristic information about the object(s) and possibly the environment as well.


vOICe (1994):



            1.  Shapes:   Identified by obtaining certain characteristics and then comparing  them against
                               reference    characteristics.  Described using synthesised   voice output.
            2.  Colour:   Tone of sound is mapped to hue, loudness is mapped to brightness.
            2.  Motion:   Centroid Tracking and Motion Tracking are separately experimented.





Master's thesis of Ari J. Hollander exploring the potential to perform shape recognition of virtual auditory objects. Contains a very good summary of auditory perception and mentions many previously conducted experiments.

5.2 Commercial Products

The sites below refer to Electronic Travel Aids presently (and previously), available commercially.


Sonic Vision - a company of Leslie Kay (a pioneer in the Electronic Travel Aid field).  Site contains information and diagrams of the following three products:




Tony Heyes' Perceptual Alternatives home page containing information about the Sonic Pathfinder.  Links to other sites related to blind mobility are also available.



Complete MIDI tutorial including diagrams/pictures covering the following topics:


"Documents that explain MIDI concepts in non-technical terminology.  Also contains information that may be useful to musicians using MIDI based products."  Some of the topics covered include:


Technical details of MIDI (including General MIDI, MIDI file format, MIDI sample dump standard, MIDI time code), as well as MIDI programming information.


1.  http://www.santafe.ed/~icad

ICAD (International Conference on Auditory Displays).  Contains conference proceedings for 1992/94/96, links to journals related to auditory research and perception.


Abstracts from the Acoustical Society of America conferences (124-130th meetings).  Many topics related to auditory perception, auditory scene analysis psychoacoustics etc.


Home page of the Royal National Institute for the Blind (UK) containing general information on blindness and the needs of the blind.  Contains many links to other sites.

Nottingham University, Department of Psychology, Blind Mobility research Unit.  Includes information describing their current:

NOMAD: Purpose of the project is to help visually impaired students find their way on campus
                through the use of an audio and tactile graphics map of the campus.


Home page of David Lee (member of the Robotics Research Group.).  Several papers related to the mobility of the blind are available including "Object recognition with FM Sonar".


1.  http://www.nyise/research.html

New York Institute for Special Education.  Contains links to blindness related sites.


Summary of some of the work conducted in the field of Electronic Travel Aids.  Includes a description of many products (both past and present).  Some of the information on this site appears in this report.

3.  http://datura.cerl.uiuc/netstuff/sigSoundLinks.html

Many links to sites related to the following:


"Links to 3D and spatial sound related resources on the web.  Reference, research, educational tools, people, commercial systems and products.  Links to other 3D related and general audio lists and patent resources".


On several occasions questions regarding problems encountered with equipment, programming etc. were posted to the appropriate newsgroup(s).




As suggested by Professor Dymond, instead of generating and outputting pure tones, MIDI could be used to produce a wide range of sounds, including the sound of musical instruments to be output.  For example,  a drum bang can easily be output when a depth discontinuity is encountered instead of outputting the current pulse signal.


The SUN workstation is fairly limited in terms of its audio capabilities.  For example, it does not support MIDI.  Also, the SUN is not portable, hence, any experimentation is restricted to workstation room (i.e. one cannot perform any mobility tasks using the device blindfolded outdoors).
In addition to supporting MIDI (both hardware and software), being portable, and its quality sound output, there is a great deal of sound related software available for the Macintosh making it the choice for many musicians and sound researchers. Any future work on this project involve switching computer platforms to the Macintosh.


As discussed in section 4.4, the magnitude of the pure tones output followed the "Curve of Equal Loudness" (Robinson-Datson curve, figure 4.5) in which tones of different intensity levels are perceived to have the same loudness.  Currently a 3.5kHz tone associated with a distance of 3.5m sounds louder than a 6kHz tone associated with a distance of 0.5m even though shorter distances are supposed to be mapped to louder sounds.  A function could be created to eliminate the effect of the Robinson-Datson curve.  This would allow all frequencies to be perceived at the same magnitude thereby giving the user the choice of  altering the magnitude or not.


With the use of a portable computer, blindfolded or visually impaired persons could use the device while performing simple mobility tasks (e.g. walking outdoors etc.) in order to determine the effectiveness of the device as a mobility aid.


As discussed in section 2, the 'POWER' and 'DATA OUT' connectors to the LRF must be replaced because they contain loose connections which occasionally result in the loss of power to the LRF as well as the loss of data to the remote terminal via the serial connection.


I have learned much about serial communications, audio generation using the SUN workstation, the perception of sound by humans and Electronic Travel Aids.  In addition, the information gathered and the software written during this four month period will serve as a framework for any continuation on this project. Although extensive testing was not carried out due to hardware limitations and lack of time, I believe the project was successful.

6.3 Acknowledgements:

I would like to thank Professor Milios and Greg Reid for their help with many of the problems I encountered while working on this project. I would also like to thank Antonin Pribetic and Nancy Kapralos for taking time off their busy schedule to proof-read my final report.



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Part of the code for several of the functions I have implemented, were obtained from the following sources:

1. Greg Reid's Lego Project - York University Department of Computer Science (1992):
2. James R. R. Service LRF Project - lrfd.c (1994)
3. Sun Microsystems Corporation - soundtool.c